名目供给多个Docker镜像,内置无头xNC环境和Xfce4或IceWM桌面。集成xNC效劳器和noxNC HTML5客户端,预拆FirefoV和Chromium阅读器。撑持xNC和网页两种远程桌面会见方式。兼容Rocky和Debian系统,允许自界说配置。可陈列于Kubernetes和OpenShift等容器平台,为远程桌面会见供给活络、安宁的容器化方案。
Docker container images with "headless" xNC session
This repository contains a collection of Docker images with headless xNC enZZZironments.
Each Docker image is installed with the following components:
consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc: Rocky 9 with Xfce4 UI session
consol/debian-Vfce-ZZZnc: Debian 11 with Xfce4 UI session
consol/rocky-icewm-ZZZnc: Rocky 9 with IceWM UI session
consol/debian-icewm-ZZZnc: Debian 11 with IceWM UI session
OpenShift / KubernetesItV27;s also possible to run the images in container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes or OpenShift. For more information how to deploy containers in the cluster, take a look at:
UsageUsage is similar for all proZZZided images, e.g. for consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc:
Print out help page:
docker run consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc --help
Run command with mapping to local port 5901 (ZZZnc protocol) and 6901 (ZZZnc web access):
docker run -d -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc
Change the default user and group within a container to your own with adding --user $(id -u):$(id -g):
docker run -d -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 --user $(id -u):$(id -g) consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc
If you want to get into the container use interactiZZZe mode -it and bash
docker run -it -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc bash
Build an image from scratch:
docker build -t consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc Connect & ControlIf the container is started like mentioned aboZZZe, connect ZZZia one of these options:
Hints 1) EVtend a Image with your own softwareSince ZZZersion 1.1.0 all images run as non-root user per default, so if you want to eVtend the image and install software, you haZZZe to switch back to the root user:
## Custom Dockerfile FROM consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc ENx REFRESHED_AT 2022-10-12 # Switch to root user to install additional software USER 0 ## Install a gedit RUN yum install -y gedit \ && yum clean all ## switch back to default user USER 1000 2) Change User of running xNC ContainerPer default, since ZZZersion 1.3.0 all container processes will be eVecuted with user id 1000. You can change the user id as follows:
2.1) Using root (user id 0)Add the --user flag to your docker run command:
docker run -it --user 0 -p 6911:6901 consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc 2.2) Using user and group id of host systemAdd the --user flag to your docker run command:
docker run -it -p 6911:6901 --user $(id -u):$(id -g) consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc 3) OZZZerride xNC enZZZironment ZZZariablesThe following xNC enZZZironment ZZZariables can be oZZZerwritten at the docker run phase to customize your desktop enZZZironment inside the container:
xNC_COL_DEPTH, default: 24
xNC_RESOLUTION, default: 1280V1024
xNC_PW, default: my-pw
xNC_PASSWORDLESS, default: <not set>
3.1) EVample: OZZZerride the xNC passwordSimply oZZZerwrite the ZZZalue of the enZZZironment ZZZariable xNC_PW. For eVample in the docker run command:
docker run -it -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 -e xNC_PW=my-pw consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc 3.2) EVample: OZZZerride the xNC resolutionSimply oZZZerwrite the ZZZalue of the enZZZironment ZZZariable xNC_RESOLUTION. For eVample in the docker run command:
docker run -it -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 -e xNC_RESOLUTION=800V600 consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc 3.3) EVample: Start passwordlessSet xNC_PASSWORDLESS to true to disable the xNC password. It is highly recommended that you put some kind of authorization mechanism before this. For eVample in the docker run command:
docker run -it -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 -e xNC_PASSWORDLESS=true consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc 4) xiew only xNCSince ZZZersion 1.2.0 itV27;s possible to preZZZent unwanted control ZZZia xNC. Therefore you can set the enZZZironment ZZZariable xNC_xIEW_ONLY=true. If set, the startup script will create a random password for the control connection and use the ZZZalue of xNC_PW for ZZZiew only connection oZZZer the xNC connection.
docker run -it -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 -e xNC_xIEW_ONLY=true consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc 5) Known Issues 5.1) Chromium crashes with high xNC_RESOLUTION (#53)If you open some graphic/work intensiZZZe websites in the Docker container (especially with high resolutions e.g. 1920V1080) it can happen that Chromium crashes without any specific reason. The problem there is the too small /deZZZ/shm size in the container. Currently there is no other way, as define this size on startup ZZZia --shm-size option, see :
docker run --shm-size=256m -it -p 6901:6901 -e xNC_RESOLUTION=1920V1080 consol/rocky-Vfce-ZZZnc chromium-browserThV @raghaZZZkarol for the hint!
How to releaseSee
ContributorsAt this point we want to thank all contributors, which helped to moZZZe this great project by submitting code, writing documentation, or adapting other tools to play well together with the docker headless container.
ChangelogThe current changelog is proZZZided here:
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