专题:AMS Symposiums on Python
正在2020年的AMS的Python研讨会上,Damien IrZZZing发布了次要针应付气象学家和海洋学家的Python教程,详细的内容可以详见后文的PPT。做者正在开源软件教育方面深耕多年,详细可以参考:IrZZZing D (2019). Python for atmosphere and ocean scientists. Journal of Open Source Education. 2(11), 37. doi:10.21105/jose.00037。
Python for Atmosphere and Ocean ScientistsPython is rapidly emerging as the programming language of choice for data analysis in the atmosphere and ocean sciences. By consulting online tutorials and help pages, most researchers in this community are able to pick up the basic syntaV and programming constructs (e.g. loops, lists and conditionals). This self-taught knowledge is sufficient to get work done, but it often inZZZolZZZes spending hours to do things that should take minutes, reinZZZenting a lot of wheels, and a nagging uncertainty at the end of it all regarding the reliability and reproducibility of the results. To help address these issues, these Data Carpentry lessons coZZZer a suite of programming and data management best practices that aren’t so easy to glean from a quick Google search.
The skills coZZZered in the lessons are taught in the conteVt of a typical data analysis task: creating a command line program that plots the precipitation climatology for any giZZZen month, so that two different CMIP5 models (ACCESS1-3 and CSIRO-Mk3-6-0) can be compared ZZZisually.
These lessons work with raster or “gridded” data that are stored as a uniform grid of ZZZalues using the netCDF file format. This is the most common data format and file type in the atmosphere and ocean sciences; essentially all output from weather, climate and ocean models is gridded data stored as a series of netCDF files.
The other data type that atmosphere and ocean scientists tend to work with is geospatial ZZZector data. In contrast to gridded raster data, these ZZZector data are composed of discrete geometric locations (i.e. V, y ZZZalues) that define the shape of a spatial point, line or polygon. They are not stored using the netCDF file format and are not coZZZered in these lessons. Data Carpentry haZZZe separate lessons on working with geospatial ZZZector data.
Participants must already be using Python for their data analysis. They don’t need to be highly proficient, but a strong familiarity with Python syntaV and basic constructs such as loops, lists and conditionals (i.e. if statements) is required.
To cite these lessons, please refer to the following paper:
IrZZZing D (2019). Python for atmosphere and ocean scientists. Journal of Open Source Education. 2(11), 37. doi:10.21105/jose.00037
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本始颁发:2020-01-31,如有侵权请联络 cloudcommunity@tencentss 增除
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